地点:Jalan Peel, Cheras.

What comes in mind when mention about Yong Tao Foo? Ampang Yong Tao Foo??? Ipoh Road Yong Tao Foo? I hardly go Ampang coz it's actually quite a distance frm my place, have tried a few times and it's not that fantastic as mentioned. I usually go to the Ipoh Road one.
Anyway, I'm not gonna mentioned these two famous place, but a new place that i found recently at Jalan Peel, Cheras --- Wah Kiow Hakka Yong Tao Foo.
提到酿豆腐,大多人都会想到的是安邦酿豆腐,或怡保路酿豆腐。我本人很少到安邦去,觉得安邦的酿豆腐的味道也不怎么样,而且安邦里我住的地方也有段距离,所以最常去的就是怡保路的酿豆腐。可是今天要给大家介绍的不是以上所说的, 而是最近发现的新大陆,华娇(啤律)客家酿豆腐。
I love Yong Tao Foo. My mum is a hakka, she cooks very good Yong Tao Foo. Therefore, I have certain expectations towards Yong Tao Foo. After trying Wah Kiow's one, my comment is definitely a thumb up for it. The fish meat is so fresh, so sweet, soooo tasty. You know what i meant after your first bite.
我很爱吃酿豆腐,妈咪是客家人,煮的酿豆腐更是一级棒的!!! 所以,对于酿豆腐, 可是有一定的要求。华娇的酿豆腐,真的可以媲美我妈咪亲手打的鱼肉。鱼肉和猪肉的分量刚刚好,打的功夫更不用说了。只要一口咬下去,您就会明白我所说的。肉质是多么的丰厚,鲜甜爽口~

For people who are interested to visit this place, please be prepared. Its hot, its crowded especially during lunch time, the waiting time is at least 20 mins. And the people who are working here are mostly uncle & auntie, pleas ebe nice and polite to them.
Once get in to the shop, find your place to sit, go to the stall get the order form, and mark down what u wan. Pass the order form to the person who is in charge, you ll be then given a number. Please remember the no. and wait for your no. to be call. You are require to pay the bill when the food are serve. Enjoy~
各位有兴趣到此店的人要有心理准备,这地方是满热的,而且很多人,午餐时间是很繁忙的,要等的时间最少是20分钟, 这里工作的大多是比较上了年纪的阿叔阿婶,所以请礼貌地对待他们。进到店里,先找个位子坐下,然后到摊子拿菜单,写下您要点的,记住您的号码,回到座位耐心的等待。负责送菜的人会边走边叫号码,听到您的号码时就回应他,他就会把您所点的送上。
服钱后, 您就可以享用美食咯~
These are what i had...

Highly recommend this mushroom~

Look, the fish meat is so thick... Superb!!!
看~鱼肉多么厚~ 天啊~人间极品!

Another MUST TRY - - - Oyster Ball

A glass of cold herbal tea after the food... hmmm.... so satisfy~~~

唔~~~ 饱饱~~~
Their fried items really good... but sometimes hate there coz quite hot.
yea, hot and crowded... but for that lil of sacrifies we get good food, worth it ^^
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